Video files

I have spend this weekend doing gardening and playing with the computers.  I’d like to think of it as working with the computers, but it isn’t really: I have been working out how to put video files on the website.

Actually putting the files on the website isn’t at all difficult.  The one I put on “Australian Family pictures from the 2000s” (of Nick debating in Youth Parliament) was easy, partly because someone had already put it on YouTube.

I have been doing movie “clips” of my Scale Seven model locomotive, and it’s difficult to get the format, resolution, frames-per-second settings right to load onto the ‘net.  The first two are relatively small files:

William Francis 1 small

William Francis 2 small

The picture quality is poor, I think.  Beware, though, the two below (my first attempts) are very large files and “froze” my Windows PC when I tried to open them.  Given time, patience, and a Mac, and they open nicely though, with much better detail in the pictures.  The problem relates to file size, I think.  LATER: sadly I have also discovered that as they are mp4 files (chosen because they are the most compact format), Microsoft doesn’t like them.  Using the VLC player or  the Real Player may help, also.  *&%$#@ Microsoft ….

William Francis 1

The second one is a little smaller ….

William Francis 2
