Glenbrook House 11 – Granite

We had to go out this week to choose the grant for our kitchen bench tops, and also the granite floor which will greet visitors (and ourselves) as we come in through the front door.

Granite 4 copyThis is the actual price of granite which will make up the floor.

It is called an “Orinoco” pattern of black granite and comes from somewhere in Brazil (so much for obtaining all our building materials locally – there are a few ship-miles in this!).

There will be a 1.8×1.8m slab of this granite on the floor just inside the front door.


Granite 2 copy


In this picture you can just see a reflection of  Sue, in the vast warehouse we had to visit to choose the precise bit (necessary as the stone is so variable).





Small 47 Park Street 16th July 003This is what the house now looks like, not much different except the little roof above the bay window in the front bedroom is taking shape.