Glenbrook House 14 – Doors

The front door has arrived, and very  good it looks, too.
Small 47 Park Street 30th September 008

It has been hand-made out of Jarrah, by a local craftsman found by our builder.

Yes it’s wide (1½m), but a little door would look wrong.


Small 47 Park Street 30th September 010


Here is the door as part of the front of the house.

As you can see, the garage door has been put up also, it a single door wide enough for both cars, which should help us reduce the amount of scratches on the edges of the cars ….

Small 47 Park Street 30th September 018


The side door is also in place, so the house can be locked up now.  I’m not sure why we need to at the moment, because it’s pretty bare inside.






Small 47 Park Street 23rd September 005Inside the “gyprock” has mostly been installed.

Small 47 Park Street 10th September 002




Gyprock is what most Australians call plasterboard.

Small 47 Park Street 30th September 019


Glenbrook House 13 – the trees are gone!

Whilst I was away in Europe quite a lot happened around and in our new house.

I say around our house, because the neighbours wanted to get rid of some of their trees, and Michael Edwards, our builder, also wanted to chop them down to allow better acess.

Small 47 Park Street 3rd September 003


So, they are gone.


This leaves a much better view of the house, but in some respects this is too much.  It looks monstrous!

Small 47 Park Street 3rd September 015


Seen from afar, the house looks a really huge building, and brings home to us just what an undertaking this was.


Small 47 Park Street 3rd September 001


This is comparable to views that I have previously  posted, and doesn’t it look bare?  We will be planting plenty of new trees, though, which will look considerably better.


I (David) have just returned from time spent in England and Barcelona,  Unfortunately i have been unwell since I returned (shingles and jet-lag combined), and so my brothers have beaten me to the ‘blog.  I have been preblogged perhaps – now that’s a good neologism.

I was in Barcelona for the European Cardiac Society meeting, which was excellent.  However, as has been the case before, Mark and John came to stay in the apartment I rented.

Small Barcelona 04 Mark John and Miro sculpture


Here they are at the Miro gallery.  Can you tell which is the sculpture?




Barcelona is my favourite destination for the ECS conferences.

Small Barcelona 05 inside the Palau de la MusicaDavid and Amaryllis came to stay in the apartment for a few days also, and arranged for us to go to see a concert in the Palau de la Musica, which is in itself a fantastic building.  look at this picture (click to enlarge) and see the plaster horse jumping out over the stage ….


Small Barcelona 30 La Pedreda from the street


Barcelona is perhaps better known for the Gaudi buildings, and they really are extraordinary.




Small Barcelona 30 Roof and chimneys of the La Pedreda

This one is La Pedreda (“the Quarry”!) and amongst other features has a roof covered in the most amazing chimneys and towers to accommodate lift mechanisms and staircases.


Small Barcelona 36 Champagne bottle chimneys at the La Pedreda



In the centre there are the chimneys covered in broken Champagne bottles – now that is classy ….

I have to say that my contributions to the Coulshed blogosphere have been much less thoughtful and erudite than my brothers, but then I was the one working during our time in Spain.