Glenbrook House 23 – Gardens (1)

Not really a spectacular entry this in terms of progress.

small 47 Park St 20th July 2018 Front Garden 2This phase, however, is in some respects more interesting on an immediate basis: seeing the grass being laid and the plants going in is really quite satisfying – it certainly makes the house become more like a home, and one which we will be pleased to live in.

Both the front and the back gardens are moving forward.small 47 Park St 20th July 2018 Back Garden

It is winter here, so not much is growing, and the grass doesn’t grow roots quickly, but so long as we keep everything watered it should live through to springtime.

At the back of the garden will be a line of citrus trees: a Tahitian Lime, a cumquat, a (-n?) Eureka Lemon, two Mandarin Oranges (Imperial and Thorny) and a Yuzu.  This last is a Chinese/Japanese citrus, part-way between a lemon and a grapefruit.  We also have a peach, a nectarine and another Eureka Lemon along the side of the garden.

small 47 Park St 20th July 2018 Yuzu tree


small 47 Park St 20th July 2018 Eureka Lemon tree

Eureka Lemon

small 47 Park St 20th July 2018 Imperial Mandarin tree

Imperial Mandarin