After the success of our previous walks we are off on another …

This time it was similar to the previous ones, in that we simply took the train from Glenbrook Station, six minutes walk from our front door, up four stops to Faulconbridge Station, then down into the bushland.

In this area of Australia the walks start at the top of the hill, and go down into the valleys. So we went down from Faulconbridge into Sassafrass Gully, a descent of about 260m.

We then walked along the valley, visiting Clarinda Falls before walking up the Wiggins Track to Springwood (200m ascent). Opposite the Station there’s a very nice teashop to spend a little while waiting for the train back to Glenbrook.
To give you an idea of what Springwood is like, this is the shop next to the cafe where we had coffee.