Local Walks (7) – the Blue Pool

Another lovely walk, and very local to us.  This map shows the location of Blue Pool, in Glenbrook Gorge.

When this was taken (a “screenshot” off my iPhone), we were where the arrow marks, a little below and to the left of the centre, at the Blue Pool.  As you can see, and the crow (or Currawong) flies, this is only about two kilometres from our house, which is about where the second “o” of Glenbrook is placed on the map.

It is a lovely walk down through the bush-covered slopes of the Gorge.


Here are a couple of pictures of the Blue Pool, taken from the northern side where we came down.



The water is very still, with great reflections to be seen in the water.

As is true up and down the gorge, there are amazing rock formations created by wind and water eroding the sandstone, here are a couple of examples seen by just this small stretch of river.


Anyway, it was a lovely walk, straight out of our front door!


Reflections, in the Blue Pool.

As ever, with any image double-click to enlarge.