A good weekend

I’ve had an excellent weekend.  It was a long weekend for reasons I cannot be sure of: someone said it was the queen’s birthday (which or what queen?), but I also heard it was a Labour (Labor?) Day weekend.  It’s all the same to me ….

Small Mountain Biking 2Anyway, one highlight was going on a mountain-bike ride with Nick.

Both boys were at home, but only Nick came riding in the Glenbrook National Park with me.  We went down the Ironbark trail, up Bennett’s Ridge to the Oaks picnic area on the Woodford Trail, then down the Single Track back to Glenbrook.  A superb ride through the national park, early in the morning.

Even Nick was glad in Small Mountain Biking 3the end that I got him out of bed before 6-30 AM!  It was hot later in the day, but cool as we pulled up the hill to the top of the Single Track.




Small Mountain Biking 4

This is a picture of me just before haring down the Single Track.


The long downhill of the track must be one of the best rides in NSW/Australia/The World.

Hurtling down a track about a metre wide between trees and plants in the bush, at (I guess) 40-50 kph at times, trying to keep up with Nick (who starts off first, and after about 2km is 20 seconds ahead)!  Exhilarating is only half of it ….

Later the same day I went to the AMRA exhibition in the Whitlam Centre in Liverpool.  An excellent venue, about 40 minutes drive from MtRiv.

Live steam GarrattAs I walked in, there was a live steam Garratt !!!!!

It is a model of the Darjeeling 0-4-0+0-4-0 Garratt.  Radio-controlled, live steam, powered by “Metho” (or was it butane?), 0-gauge.

I want one ….

$8,000 in Australia, though.

Live steam locoThere were other live steam loco.s that were more reasonably priced, however.  “Only” $2k for this one, for instance:


Or about $4k for a Stanier 8F ….


Perhaps something for the garden railway in a our next house?