Local Walks (5) – Duck Hole

Another local walk – this one with no driving at all.  We just walked from our front door down through the village to the start of this walk.  Down to Glenbrook Creek, then along the creek to Duck Hole.

This is our recent walk to the creek with friends Chris and Greg.  The descent was quite difficult in parts, as we didn’t seem to follow any clear and well-used route, although such routes are available – we must just like a challenge!  The valley has been cut deep into the rock by the creek, and the amount water at times is clearly immense: after the recent flooding rain (a couple of months ago) the water must have been at least 5m above its current level, as shown by knots of twigs around the branches quite high up in the trees – knots clearly made by twigs carried down on the floodwater.



The erosion of rock in the creek is astounding, as can be seen in this picture – at first Sue and Greg were completely unaware of the gap beneath them.

The rock is cut away even under Sue, not seen so well in my picture.




Why it’s called Duck Hole is obscure, but there are many such pools along this section of the creek.



More pictures of Duck Hole: