June 2012 Entry

Saturday, Jun 30, 2012

School Holidays, etc

Nick and Andrew have School Holidays at the moment, and I (David) am taking some time off as well.  We’re not going anywhere, though.

I’m taking the opportunity to do some tasks around the house.

Polishing the floor.  Renovating the garden lights.

Matthysen Clock 6 1000px

The Clock has arrived!


This is no ordinary clock, of course.It is made from Australian woods.

The gearwheel teeth and bearings for the mechanism are made of brass, and there is glass and wire, but the gearwheels themselves and nearly everything else is made of wood.  The hands are made from 5,000 year old redwood, retrieved as stumps from the harbour bottom somewhere in Western Australia.

New Clock 3 1000px

It is powered by a large weight, and has to be wound up every two or three days.  I don’t know how accurate it will be ….That isn’t the point though, is it?  If I wanted an accurate clock, I could buy a digital electronic one made in SE Asia somewhere, and it would probably be accurate to a few seconds per year.


No this is a work of art really.

A large, moving, ticking work of art….. and it is wonderful.


We have also acquired a new car, but that is much less important.

New Car 1 1000px

Our new C-class Mercedes station wagon

New Car 2 1000px






Andrew and Nick have been forced to wash it, as well as our Polo.

VW Polo 1000px

December 2012 Entry

Friday, Dec 28, 2012

Christmas and New Year.

It has been over three months since I entered a ‘blog.  This is partly because the service provider we have been using has developed a fault with my being unable to put pictures into my entries and some other problems.  So I am going to change service providers, once I have worked out just how to transfer the content.  In the meantime I have been reluctant even to use the parts which DO work.  A little silly, really.

So what have we been up to?

Well, Andrew and Nick have finished another year at school.  Nick came top of his year.



The Victor Chang Award (best year 11 science student at the school)

The Victor Chang Award (best year 11 science student at the school)

Nick won the Victor Chang award for his school – the best science student in the penultimate year of each school in Sydney is awarded this prize, which includes a A$20,000 grant if they go on to study at the University of Western Sydney, and $500 cash!




I have been struggling with Admin., as ever.  I warned a yearago about a potential breakdown in our whole testing/imaging system.  We set about replacing it as a matter of urgency, and a year later it still needs to be done.  I guess that I am grateful really that we haven’t had a total breakdown, but I genuinely believed what I told the administrators, and don’t like appearing a fool now that no Armageddon has actually occurred ….


S7 Model Rly 1 750pxMy model railway has come on a treat.

I finished my model Garratt (as those who have followed this ‘blog will know).  I’ve also built a coal “washery” or “screens” under which coal trucks are loaded via conveyor belts.


S7 Model Rly 9 750pxS7 Model Rly 7 750pxS7 Model Rly 6 750pxS7 Model Rly 5 750pxS7 Model Rly 4 750pxS7 Model Rly 3 750pxS7 Model Rly 2 750pxS7 Model Rly 15 750pxS7 Model Rly 8 750pxS7 Model Rly 14 750pxS7 Model Rly 11 750pxS7 Model Rly 10 750px


















I realise that the model colliery is nearly complete (at least as I originally intended).  Given that no model railway can ever really be completed, I guess that soon I will have to rip it all up and apart, and start on something new ….


I have been playing cricket again this year.  For 7th Grade (up from 9th, purely by chance), and achieved a score of thriteen in my first match.  Not much, but good under the circumstances (I went in when the side were 4/19, and was out at 76, so over a 50 run partnership (with a 16-year-old, who did most of the work for us, of course).

In the second match, however, I was fielding close in (too close, silly mid-on) and when the ball was hit at me, I neither caught it, not avoided it well enough.  The result was a broken thumb, which meant that I lost about a third of our cricket season’s matches.  I returned to play in the just-before-Christmas social match within Glenbrook-Blaxland Cricket Club. Poor Nick: I bowled 2 overs in the match, and nick was the first batsman.  He clearly didn’t feel he should hit his father’s first ball out of sight, and changed his shot.  This was a fatal error, as he then edged it and was caught behind!  I ended with figures of 2 overs, 3 wickets, 9 runs!  I don’t think that that is going to happen again in a hurry!


We are off to Japan again in a week’s time.  Off to Niseko this year.  The skiing should be really good, and this time we are going Cathay Pacific via Hong Kong partly to avoid flying QANTAS, and partly to avoid having to change airports in Tokyo (there are no direct Sydney-to-Hokkaido flights).  So on the way home we can spend a few days in Hong Kong, also.

September 2012 Entry

Monday, Sep 03, 2012


I (David) have just (Thursday midnight!) returned from Europe.  I went there to visit friends and brothers in England (plus Scotland) and to go to the European Cardiac Society meeting in Munich.

No visit to John and Mark’s house in Cark this time, which was a pity.  I travelled by rail this visit to the UK, which turned out to be a great idea.  We booked a little bit in advance: Mark did most of this for me, for which I am very grateful – he can find his way around the timetable and special prices very much better than I could have done.  By doing so I could travel about 3/4 of the way in First Class.  Many people seem to do this now, and the railways are very much better-used than I remember from my time living in England.  In making the decision to travel this way I could undertake the journey up to Glasgow, not really possible by road.

After a few days in Oxted with Mark, I went to visit Steve and Christine in Sheffield.  It is always a joy to go there: good food, good wine, good beer, good walks in the Peak District.  I took along a bottle of Arras Grand Vintage from Tasmania as my contribution – the best sparkling wine from Aussie at the moment!

Front of Charlotte's and Andrew's House

Front of Charlotte’s and Andrew’s House

Charlotte's and Andrew's Dowstairs Room

Charlotte’s and Andrew’s Dowstairs Room

I then travelled up to Glasgow to visit Charlotte and Andrew.  They have taken on an old house designed by and built for a Scottish architect, “Greek” Thompson.  It is clearly a labour of love for Andrew.  The house is huge.

There are two living rooms each of which is about 15 square metres, another one about 2/3 the size, about half a dozen bedrooms, three toilets.  It’s hard to say at present how cold it would be, but my guess is VERY cold in a Scottish winter.  Several of the rooms had had false ceilings put in (which are now being removed of course) which are usually installed to make rooms easier to heat.

The house is seriously messy.  It really was like going back and visiting a house from our student days.  Paint peeling off the walls and ceilings, rugs covering the polished floorboards, etc.  It will be magnificent when finished.From Glasgow I went down to Telford to stay with Mark and Karen.  As ever it was great to see them and stay with a family much like my own.


From there it was back to Oxted, but on the way I was lucky enough to contact David and Amaryllis and discover that together with Isobel they were in London for the day (seeing the Munch exhibition at the Tate), so we were able to gave an excellent evening eating at a South Bank Turkish restaurant.  Isobel is (as you might anticipate) a striking, tall, thin, articulate, woman now.

From London I took the train to Munich (!).  First the Eurostar to Paris, then a 400m walk between Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est followed by the TGV to Munich.  A very civilized way to travel.

Munich is a lovely place to visit: the trams, the food, the general ambience.  The conference?  Oh, yes, the conference ….

I had a good trip home.

Having arrived back just in time for the hockey Grand Final, and jet-lagged, I wasn’t really in a fit state for the excitement.  Andrew and Nick’s team had come top of the league, undefeated, but were 0-2 down within five minutes of the start.  They clawed one back, but until 3 minutes from the end things looked increasingly grim.  However at the death there was the equalizing goal.  Then came extra time.  They were scheduled for 5 minutes each way, down to nine players, then a further five minutes with seven players (no goalkeeper), then penalties.

Fortunately it did not come to that.  A few seconds before the end of the first period Nick received the ball, mid-field.  He saw one of their strikers in the goal area, and sent the ball straight through.  Tim just had to tap it past the goalkeeper, and the “Golden Goal” rule meant that Andrew and Nick’s team had won after all!

The two hockey Captains shake hands

The two hockey Captains shake hands

The celebrations were long and loud.

August 2012 Entries

Sunday, Aug 12, 2012


It is coming to the end of the football season here in Australia.

Nick playing football 2 1000pxThis is a picture of Nick playing for his current side (Blue Mountains FC under 18 Division 1 side).

Nick is now playing what are almost adult competitions: 45 minutes per half, no concessions for young people, etc.  One of his side was suspended 4 matches for swearing.

Mind you, Nick playing as an adult is reasonable on size grounds – he is now 187cm tall!  We measured him this morning.

They lost today’s match 1-0, despite being the better side for 3/4 of the match.


Sunday, Aug 05, 2012

No pictures this time.  Just news.

We’ve been relatively quiet here in Aus., recently.  Andrew and Nick are in the middle of term-time, I am continuing to dislike the politics and hypocrisy associated with being Head of Department, Sue continues to battle with the traffic going from our semi-rural home to the centre of Sydney, to work.

Winter in the lower Blue Mountains is pleasant, though.  Temperatures never reach zero during the day: there are occasional frosts, sometimes even “heavy” frosts, but it rapidly warms up once the sun has risen.  Oddly enough, winter is a growing season for native plants – that way the growing season avoids the searing dehydrating weather of summer, I suspect.

Andrew continues to play hockey, Nick continues to play hockey and football (soccer).  This will probably be Nick’s last year at the local club, though.  Next year is his “crunch” year at school (Year 12) and he will choose hockey over soccer as the one sport he plans to continue, at least in winter.  Cricket MUST continue, of course.

The boys real favourite is skiing, of course.  Andrew goes off to his school skiing camp tomorrow – in the Snowy Mountains.  They do a nominal day in Canberra on the way (to ensure that the trip has “educational” status, I think), and then spend a couple of days skiing.  We are also in the process of booking our yearly skiing holiday at the moment.  Niseko again, with a stopover in Hong Kong, we plan at present.

I (David) am off to Europe next weekend.  The European Cardiac Society is in Munich this year, and I will spend a week or so in England prior to the ECS meeting.

July 2012 Entry


Wednesday, Jul 04, 2012


Today is a special anniversary.  More years ago than we care to remember, Sue and I were married.


Dinner and Arras wine 1000pxThe meal was a leek and goats’ cheese tart, with fennel-based salad.

Accompanied with a bottle of Arras Grand Vintage sparkling wine.

Dessert was an orange-and-rhubarb pannacotta.

Pannacotta desert 1000px


April 2012 Entries


Saturday, Apr 21, 2012


We have just been away to Terrigal for a few days.

Andrew and Nick are on school holidays and I (David) took a week off work.  Sue still had to go in to work (a slow-burning dispute made this politically wise to do), so it wasn’t really a complete family holiday, although Sue came up every night – Terrigal is on the coast north of Sydney, and in driving-time terms is only about as far away from where Sue works as is our home in Mt Riverview!

The weather was poor – it rained for much of the time, so we played quite a lot of board games.  In particular “Agricola” a game sent to us by (Uncle) Mark last Christmas, at which excels.  Actually is pretty good at most boardgames.  He quietly calculates what the best strategy is and gets on with it.

Agricola is a good game in that there is little conflict (at least that is true for the way that we play it) as everyone builds up their farm, propagating corn, husbanding sheep, cattle and wild boar (!), and building the family farmhouse.  I cannot imagine anyone less like a farmer than, but he wins every time!


Nick and I drove to Terrigal via Wiseman’s Ferry, through the valleys of the Hawkesbury river and it tributaries.  A beautiful drive.

Spencer 1 Spencer 2

We now have a third driver in the family.  Nick is learning to drive.  In Australia you can have your L-plates from your sixteenth birthday, but cannot take the driving test until you have had your “Ls” for a year, and done 120 hours of driving (including 20 hours of night-time).  After the test you are still on “P-plates” for another two years.  I think that it is a good system.  Nick has done >50 hours already, and is driving well.





Thursday, Apr 05, 2012

This is what life should be like …Andrew and Nick Sailing on Sydney Harbour



and Nick sailing on Sydney harbour last weekend….. and just in case you didn’t recognise the harbour:

Sailing in front of the Opera House


Complete with Opera House, a Manly ferry, etc.

They had been doing a sailing course at the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron over the past eight months or so, and this was the final day.


I think that they have had a good time, although getting out of bed every Sunday at 6-30 am has been a bit of a challenge.

I would love to have done this, as a boy.

March 2012 Entries

Monday, Mar 26, 2012

Finished from front at rail level

High Res. – click to enlarge

Garratt at work





Finished from front right 1000pxMy Garratt is working.

You can tell from its rusty and dirty appearance.



Finished from front left

High Res. – click to enlarge

It has even got its own driver now.




Sunday, Mar 18, 2012

The Garratt, again

My 0-4-0+0+4-0 Garratt  is nearly finished: look!

Factory finish front right oblique 1000px

Factory finish – it looks beautiful, if not realistic!

Factory finish from front above 1000pxIt doesn’t have the cab roof in place, or a crew inside, but other than that it’s looking good ….

The “bow” pen arrived this week, (specially imported from Haff pens in Germany!) so I could at last do the lining – red and white lines, which “bring out” the shapes of the bunker and water tank, and certainly improves the overall appearance.  Two pictures at High Resolution (Click on the picture to enlarge it):

Factory finish left rear
Factory finish front right 2

However I will now be going to “weather” the locomotive.  I haven’t yet seen a picture of the actual loco. that didn’t show it seriously dirty and covered in coal dust, etc.  I’m going for realism (and it covers some of the mistakes that I have made!).All to be published in the Scale Seven magazine ….


Saturday, Mar 03, 2012

Cricket, etc

It has been amazingly wet here recently.

I’m sitting at home whilst I should be watching our Ninth Grade side in their Grand Final: the ground was almost flooded.  We have had so much rain that the Nepean river is flooded.  Nick and Andrew’s school was closed on Friday and will probably be closed on Monday.  The school itself doesn’t get flooded, but access roads have standing water, and teachers or pupils living on the far side of the Nepean/Hawkesbury River simply cannot get to school.

Nick was due to be in two Grand Finals today, and neither will take place.  It’s unlikely that even tomorrow conditions will be good enough to play.

The semi-finals were both great to watch.  From a parents point of view the Under 16 Div1 final was perfect.  Facing 138 to win, on a sodden field where runs were very hard to get, the opening pair made about 85 off 45 overs (out of 60).  Then two wickets fell in quick succession, and the task was just looking as though it might prove to be quite tricky.

Nick leg glances OGrady for three 1000pxNick goes in at Number 4, and announces his arrival by hitting their best bowler for three (no stroke had earned more than two runs in the first 45 overs!), and immediately increased the run-rate to about 5 per over.  He hit the winning runs with plenty of overs to spare.  Just the innings that his side needed, and wonderful to watch as he systematically demolished the opposition attack.  The ninth Grade Semi-Final was exciting and very different.  Played on a sodden pitch with long grass, scores were low.  GBCC Ninth Grade were all out for 127 off 77 overs.  At the end of the first day they had the opposition at 4/15 off ten overs.  By a few overs into the second day, two more wickets had fallen, but after that no more for too long ….

At 6/115 we looked  lost.

Ninth Grade Blue Victorious 1000pxHowever Big Willie (centre of the front row in the picture) never gave up, rallied the troops, and they were all out for 122.

This was not a match for the Coulsheds to “write home” about (” ‘blog proudly”?).  David was on the sidelines, and Nick scored a duck and bowled only one over because of his very sore shoulder.  However it was a great match to watch.

We might reach the dizzy heights of Eighth Grade next year – or will we form another Ninth Grade side with some new hopeless recruits?

January 2012 Entries

Friday, Jan 13, 2012

Skiing 2

Update on Hakuba.

This is our last day, and I have actually finished, although the two boys remain on the slopes.  My knee has held out over the week and I certainly do not want to push things too far.

The whole resort is good – Hakuba-One, Hakuba 47, Goryu, Iwatake and Cortina (although why anyone would want to name a skifield after a very in distinguished car, I don’t know!

The weather has continues to be good – enough snowfall, but plenty of sunshine.  No crowds!!!  We have never had to wait more than a few seconds for a lift, and although the conditions are great, very few pele seem to be taking advantage of it.

The hotel has been excellent, about 100m to walk to the nearest lift.  We’ve eaten a variety of Japanese food, much of it excellent also.  Our day “off” skiing was spent going to see the snow- monkeys (macaques who have learned to keep warm in winter by using the hot springs!) and the biggest Buddhist temple in Japan.

So overall a great holiday so far.


Tuesday, Jan 10, 2012

Japan skiing

The Australian Coulsheds are currently in Japan, skiing in Hakuba.  A year ago our trip to Niseko was almost the first thing that went on this website.  So a year later here we are again.  Well not quite: Hakuba is a lot further south. One of it’s attractions is that it is only a 90-minute Shinkansen ride from Tokyo station (plus an hour’s bus ride to the hotel), instead of a flight to Sapporo then a three-hour bus ride to Niseko from the airport.Hakuba is much less Australian, which may seem an odd thing to say, but not after you have experienced the wall-to-wall Aussies in Niseko!  It’s also much less cold, and the sunshine is welcome.  We’ve had good weather here and excellent snow.  I (David) have had to greatly restrict what skiing that I can do, because of my recent leg injury and then more recent surgery.  However by just doing a small amount, only on very smooth slopes, and concentrating on the best technique that I am capable of, I have been able to avoid any worsening of my knee problems (I think).  What has been even more amazing is that after the new year holiday period was over (5th Jan) almost everyone seemed to leave, and the slopes have been almost deserted.  Ski lifts almost to ourselves.  Absolutely no wait for cable-cars.  Pistes completely empty in front of us.  No ice.  Fresh snow.

We’ll happily come here again!

So, here we are.

DSC Skiing 1 (2)

David Skiing

SJC Skiing 1 2

Sue skiing

NAC boarding 2

Nick snowboarding