Stanier 8F in Scale Seven, Part 4

Onto the next bit. Whilst I wait for the S7 wheels to become available, I have tried to progress with other parts of the engine. The next bit in the instructions which I have is the pony truck. So I started on this.
Small Pony Truck 1Here is the basic construction.

As can be seen, there is no compensation on the pony truck. I doubt that this is necessary, because there will be a little bit of lateral sway of the mechanism once in place, and so with only one axle surely compensation will not be required?


So should I add weight to the box-like centre of the pony truck?  I decided to do so, and carved a piece of lead weight from a truck-tyre balancing weight obtained from our local tyre-fitting place, to fit in the centre of the pony-truck.

Of course I’ll have to wait a while before seeing if this works!
Incidentally, I have a works diagram of the engine, and the frames of the pony truck in this kit are the correct distance apart (±0.5 mm, which is good enough for me) without modification.

Next I constructed the rear steps, and the moved on to the front footplate sub-assembly. This is a great example of how the parts can be put together “dry” – no solder – because of the excellent tab-and-slot construction.

Small Footplate and frames fitting 2

Frames and footplate from opposite the rear steps. The footplate is stopped from fitting down onto the frames by the upright used to hold the motor.

In making this sub-assembly, I came across a minor problem.

Small Footplate and frames fitting 1

Frames and footplate seen from the front quarter. Note the front footplate sub-assembly is in place on the main footplate etch.

As can be seen in this picture, the problem is that the upright frame for the motor mount has a width of 29mm, whilst the distance between the edges of the footplate is 26.5mm.
It’s not a major problem, at first glance, and probably the answer could be simply to make a couple of small cut-outs in the footplate – 1.25 mm each side is only a small amount.   However before doing this I asked on a Scale Seven Web forum called Western Thunder ( to see if there was an alternative solution which anyone could see. Making cuts in the footplate is all very well, but what the effect on the later construction and the overall end-appearance I couldn’t yet tell.


It was suggested that the inside width of the footplate had been narrowed (making the footplates on either side a little bit too wide) in order to fit the narrower frames in Finescale 0-gauge.  This proved to be correct, so with my correct width frames I need to file or cut off some metal from the inside edge of both sides of the footplate to make it match with the top edges of the frames.

The footplate is exactly the correct external dimension, but the footplate width on each side is 16.7-16.8 mm. Taking this back to the correct width of 15mm will remove the line of rivets.  I could probably re-create these, however.  Probably it would be best to line them up before I file back the inside of the footplate edges.  The nickel-silver sheet, even over the etched areas, is still 0.5mm thick.  This will affect the small slots used to locate some other parts.  I don’t know as yet what parts are affected, but I will just have to find that out as I go along, I fear.

I was just about to set off and form the rivets on the footplate, then take 1.5mm off the inside of each footplate side, when another factor entered my brain, and it is just as well (I think) that it did.
Small Footplate and frames fitting 4If I took 1.5mm off the inside of each side of the footplate, then the whitemetal cast firebox would no longer fit as intended on the inside edges of the footplate.
Small Footplate and frames fitting 6

This might not matter, because the firebox would still fit on the frames themselves.

So if I made the inside dimension of the footpale sides nearly the same as the inside dimension of the frames then I thought that it would work. The inside dimension of the frames is 28mm. The inside dimension of the footplate is 26.5mm as supplied.

So if I took 1.0 mm off the inside of the footplate each side, the edges would sit on the middle of the frame each side, which would probably look OK, and the firebox could sit on the frame edges.  The only (?!) problem to remain would be that the line of etched rivets on each inside edge of the footplate sits right on top of the line to which I would need to reduce the footplate inner-dimension. Tricky.

So it was tempting to leave the footplate as it is, just cut back the motor-mount.  However this would leave the footplate overhanging the inside of the frames, which would not look very good.  File the original etched “rivets” flat, then reform them with my special rivet tool?

In all of this, advice from members of the WT forum showed me that I was going to have to cut the motor-mounting back, and reinforce it from within the width of the whitemetal firebox.  A slightly daunting task, but eventually I’ve taken the plunge ….. Bitten the bullet ….. etc.

Small Motor mounting Mods 1I used some rectangular-section brass to strengthen the motor mount, soldered into place.
Small Motor mounting Mods 4Then I cut off the frame uprights, and part of the motor mount. As can be seen, the footplate can now lie on the frames. Good.



Even better, the firebox goes over the motor mount!
In this view it is possible to see how well this model goes into the ScaleSeven arena: the firebox is exactly the correct width, even though the model was originally intended for Finescale.

Inspecting the footplate now, it becomes clear (see diagram below) that I will only have to shave the 1mm off the inside of the footplate for the length between the two vertical arrows which I have put on the picture.
Footplate etch with arrowsThe rest is covered by the parts representing the frames above footplate level.

The angled arrow shows one of the slots into which the parts representing the frames where they are visible above the footplate will fit: just outside of the firebox moulding.
Interestingly, they are exactly 29mm across the outside dimension – as are the frames which I have built.

Of course I shouldn’t be surprised really, but it is reassuring.

Blood Pressure Lessons

Andrew had to senSmall BP Lessons 2d a message to his friends afterwards:





Some families do bonding by playing games, or going to a restaurant together.Small BP Lessons 1


My family bonds by teaching each other how to take someone’s blood pressure

Woodford Fire Trail

This is the Woodford Fire Trail

Small Woodford Fire Trail 1 Nick and I went for a bike ride.  We caught the train up to Woodford (half-a-dozen stations up the Blue Mountains Line from Glenbrook, where we left the car), then cycled down the trail from Woodford to Glenbrook.

Small Woodford Fire Trail 3The first quarter is very much up and down, but after about where we stopped to take this picture it becomes nearly all downhill, for at least 10 km.



Small Woodford Fire Trail 2So it is a truly marvellous cycle ride.  Some very fast downhill parts on track like this.




The last part is our absolute favourite: the Single Track down from The Oaks picnic area to the Glenbrook Gorge.  Hurtling through the bush, sometimes barely wider than a single person track but bushes up to and above head-height.  Fantastic.

A lovely Australian winter day.  Clear blue skies, crisp clear air, wonderful visibility.

An excellent day.


Just a standard weekend.  Well not quite.

Locomotive 3642 arrives in Penrith.  Note the water tower.

Locomotive 3642 arrives in Penrith. Note the water tower.



There was a steam train at Penrith





Locomotive 3642 in Penrith Station.

Locomotive 3642 in Penrith Station.

I went in to take some pictures.  They were running trains between Valley Heights and Penrith (about 25 min. journey) using an old 4-6-0 engine.  I had hoped that there would be a spectacular start from Penrith, as it had been raining, and the train was heavy.  However they cheated by having two (!) Diesel engines on the back of the train.

Locomotive 3642 starts off from Penrith.

Locomotive 3642 starts off from Penrith.


No doubt this was because of it happening within the suburban electified network, but it was still disappointing.

Good to see the steam engine in action, though.



Lyrebird in the vegetable compound

Lyrebird in the vegetable compound

Domestically …. The Lyrebird has been attacking my brussel Sprouts.






Andrews idea of a quick meal - still with great presentation!

Andrews idea of a quick meal – still with great presentation!

Andrew has been cooking his usual wonders.

Stanier 8F in Scale7 part 3

Cylinders, slidebar, crosshead and some valve gear.

Cylinders, slidebar, crosshead and some valve gear.

I have been contructing part of the valve gear, as shown.

The detail of this kit is such that the combination lever, with a complex shape at its top, if faithfully reproduced.  Unfortunately this means that the  where the lever goes through the crosshead of the piston valve (see the diagram at the top for the names of these tiny bits of brass!) it is such a tight fit that there is not enough movement in the model form.


These are pictures of the piston valve shaft and crosshead (all one moulding) and the combination lever.  Unmodified as yet.

Combination lever - unmodified

Combination lever – unmodified

Small PV Xhead unmodified

Piston valve shaft and crosshead – all one piece of “lost wax” casting.








Small Combi lever and PV Xhead modified annotatedThey both have to be carefully filed back to allow the combi. lever to move through an angle of about 25 degree either side of verticle in the crosshead.



Small Frames with 2 cylinders

The story so far: frames with both cylinders, motion brackets and valve gear attached



Click to see progress.

Video files from Melbourne

It has taken me some time to get these loaded, but here are a few video files of Richard Davidson’s circuit of track at his home outside Melbourne (a place called Melton).  This outdoor circuit is huge!  Richard tells me it is 60 yards around the loop, which is about a scale 2½ kilometers!

My industrial Garratt ran well, and so I want to celebrate this fact!

There are small files and larger ones, depending on how broad your broadband is

(is it a Gillard-government one, or an Abbott govt. one?).

WF outdoors 1 small  <-Small   Large -> WF outdoors 1

We loaded up the Garratt with 27 wagons: WF at RDs house

WF outdoors 2 small  <-Small   Large -> WF outdoors 2

I don’t think that the real one could have hauled this many!

WF outdoors 3 small <-Small   Large -> WF outdoors 3

In the last video it is possible to see Richard’s superb model of a North British 0-4-2 locomotive going in the opposite direction around his double loop of track.

Scale Seven in Melbourne

I spent a pleasant day in Melton, near Melbourne.  It was a day-trip (!) from Sydney to see fellow-ScaleSeven enthusiasts Richard Davidson and John Ritter.  The original idea had been to go to the VicG0G meeting, but somehow we never actually made it there.

Small WF outdoorsThis was mainly because Richard has a wonderful outdoor circuit, upon which we could run our trains.




S7 in Melbourne u - WF on the curved trackRichard has a large shed in the back garden, out of which the railway comes.  It then goes around a circuit of more than 50m of track and back into the other side of the same shed.




S7 in Melbourne s - WF from aboveAs you can see, I took my industrial Garratt (William Francis) down to Melbourne with me.  I’m pleased to say that WF ran very well during the day.



Small WF with 27 wagonsThe Garratt could haul a load of 27 wagons, which is the most it has ever pulled.  I do not have that many trucks myself, and in any case Richard’s wagons are better -built that my own, and offer less rolling-resistance, I suspect.

It drew 450mA current with or without a load of wagons, which is good even though it means there is probably too much friction in the locomotive running gear itself.  It ran so well that we left it running round and round for hours, which probably loosened up the running gear nicely.

Small Richards Caledonian engineRichard has some lovely locomotives as well as his magnificent collection of private owner wagons.

This one is Caledonian Railway 0-4-2 No 705, designed by George Brittain and built by Dubs in 1881.

As usual, click on pictures to enlarge.

In Richards words: it is scratchbuilt except for the gears (plastic, two start worm, 11:1 ratio ex motor car window winder).  The motor is ex computer, from Proops at $2.50, draws 12 mA light, 30 mA with gearbox and about 100-200 mA on a train. The wheels were fretted out of brass and insulated with a strip of thin perspex between the centre and the tyre.

Small Richards wooden-clad engine The second one is North British Railway 0-4-2 No 26, a mixed traffic engine built in 1845 by R & W Hawthorn of Leith. The original was fitted with a patent valve gear in which reversing and cut-off were controlled by separate levers. The valve was in two parts that slid over each other and the valve rod was hollow, with the cut-off rod inside it.

Again, Richards words: I built the engine with a crank axle but have got no further with the valve gear. The motor is a Mashima 1824 in the firebox, driving through a cut-away (27:1) North West Short Lines idler gearbox. The final drive gear is on the axle between the eccentrics and the idler gear is meshed with the worm in what is left of the gearbox. The mesh between the drive gear and the idler can be adjusted. The engine is also scratchbuilt except for the motor and gears. The livery is guesswork..

Small  WF at track level

8F progress

I’ve been working slowly on the “motion bracket” and the slidebars and crosshead assembly, toghether with some of the valve gear.

Here are some pictures of the progress so far:

Union link and radius bar - note the Y-shaped ends

Union link and radius bar – note the Y-shaped ends

Radius bar and expansion link.

Radius bar and expansion link.







Click to enlarge

Radius bar and expansion link in position, in the motion bracket.

Radius bar and expansion link in position, in the motion bracket.

Motion bracket, etc., in position on the frames.

Motion bracket, etc., in position on the frames.







A few notes of explanation.  The first shot shows the laminated rods, with bifurcated ends to allow joints with other pieces of valve gear: see the union link in the fourth picture (parallel to and below the cylinder slidebars); the expansion link is the curved piece through which the radius arm travels.  In most models the radius arm is left in a neutral position, thoguh the centre of the expansion link.  This is convenient, as the centre of the expansion link is the pivot about which it moves forward and back, but for the radius arm to be there is to have the model always in neutral gear.  So instead I am making my model in a forward gear, with the radius rod just below the central expansion link.  The radius arm will move forwards and back a very small amount as a consequence, but the construction should be able to be done reasonably easily (I think).

It’s possible to see this in the pictures if you look closely.  I had to create a pivot for the radius arm just below the central pivot of the expansion link.

Cylinders, slidebar, crosshead and some valve gear.

Cylinders, slidebar, crosshead and some valve gear.


The whole construction is made to come off the frames for ease of maintenance and building.

Not complete, of course.



I’ve been in Melbourne this week, at the World Congess of Cardiology.

Melbourne was cold and windy, as you might expect.  There are some mitigating features: trams, passenger trains hauled by locomotives (even if they are all Diesels), and I was once again struck by how much room and space there appears to be in near-Central Melbourne, compared with Sydney.

However there is also the casino.  This is truly horrible.  As well as the casino itself, there are at least four huge self-proclaimed luxury hotels attached to them, and they are all glitzy and to my mind deeply unattractive.  Even if you like “glitz and glam”, the concept of exploiting people’s complete lack of sense is morally dubious, to say the least.  No-one who has the slightest appreciation of the arithmetic of statistics can fail to understand that casinos or poker machines (aka One-armed Bandits) are a simple way for owners of casinos or clubs to make huge amounts of money from the gullible public.  The whole industry that has been allowed to grow up around this exploitation is appalling.  I understand that ideologically people should be allowed to make their own choices.  Nevertheless this transfer of wealth from the poor (who do most of the gambling) to the rich (who own the clubs and gambling houses), without even a decent amount of government taxation to reclaim some of the revenue to the state is definitely a case for government intervention.

The conference was good.

Autumn in Mount Riverview

It is a lovely autumn morning here in Mount Riverview.  Easter Friday, in fact, and so it is very quiet also: much less movement.  Almost no sound except the birds in the bush.

Website Mt Riverview 3

The sun was shining in almost horizontally as I entered the Middle Room.  So I went out with the camera into the back garden.


Website Mt Riverview 4


Cockatoos screeching, rozellas piping, kookaburras laughing.  it was lovely and quiet (!)



A couple of pictures looking back up at the house:

Website Mt Riverview 2 Website Mt Riverview 1





Website Red and Blue Polos 2When I went around to the front, the garage doors were open.  We had to get different coloured cars, so that we could tell them apart ….



Website Red and Blue Polos 1

Actually not so really: one is Diesel-powered, the other petrol-powered, and they are quite different to drive.  Andrew and Nick both drive the Diesel more, and much prefer it – I think it is easier to drive at low speeds around the town, because it has so much more power (torque?) at low engine speeds.  Better for learner-drivers like Andrew, certainly.