Christmas and Birthdays

david, andrew, mark, nicholas and sue at blackbutt circle

We have, this year, nearly had all the family together for Christmas: in early December the two “uncles” were in NSW [Mark and John], seen here in the courtyard at 33 Blackbutt Circle.



David Andrew Mark John Nick at 33BBC

This meant  that all five of the male Coulsheds who feature regularly on this website were together for the first time in several years.

We had a form of Christmas Dinner together, using the Royal Worcester Evesham dining set that had been collected by Olive Coulshed in Liverpool, and now is kept in Australia!

Christmas at MtRiv

However the real Christmas Dinner was held with the Nicklin Grandparents, on Christmas Day – although we used the Evesham on this occasion also.



Andrews birthday 2013This has also been the season for birthdays, of course.  Andrew’s was first.  Here he is, lighting all the 16 candles, with a catering blowtorch (of course).



Nicks 18th birthday 2013

Nick’s was a larger party.  Not surprising, given that it was his 18th Birthday Party.

We are lucky: our house, especially the “Middle Room”, is just made for entertaining!