Glenbrook House 19 – painting, etc.

Small 47 Park Street 4th Feb 09The inside has now been painted.  It is largely done in shades of white (if you can actually have shades of white – I call them shades of grey, but that isn’t fashionable).  It is “American Antique White” or some such tihsllub.

The theory is that we can live there first, then decide if we want different colours.  Also, it’s one less set of decisions to make.

Andrew and Nick now have the built-in desks made in their bedrooms.

Small 47 Park Street 29th Jan 02Small 47 Park Street 29th Jan 01






Andrew, though, has decided that he likes the utility room (above the garage) better, and might want to make that his bedroom.  I can see why ….Small 47 Park Street 4th Feb 04Small 47 Park Street 4th Feb 05





Small 47 Park Street 4th Feb 07

Small 47 Park Street 29th Jan 03







The “void” in the floor of the upstairs landing, through which you can see the front door (L) now has the glass panels installed to stop people falling through it (R).

The inside is nearly done, but the garden and other outside bits have a long way to go.