Not much visible progress has been made recently, because I have had a lot of problems with the electricity. The system sent originally had a very large battery pack, with about 18 AA cells. This had to be taken apart and remade into two packs of six cells, which will fit in the side-takes of the model. Easier said than done, and during the process I have either caused several cells to fail, or the cells are inherently unstable. I either event I have been left with just twelve usable cells, generating about 14.5 Volts (each cell is 1.2V). The 24 Volt motor is OK with this power, but even with a 50:1 gearing, the engine seems to run quite hesitantly. I’ve learned a lot about rechargeable cells over the last few weeks: NiMH cells charge up higher than 1.2V, but rapidly lose power to about 1.2V before being stable at that power for a good while. Anyway, the engine is moving now, producing the correct sound-effects, and I can move back to putting on detail: making the cab fittings, adding the sanding apparatus, adding coupling hooks and “safety chains”. These chains hang on the buffer beam and apart from their descriptive name, I don’t really know what they are for. Almost all the pictures which I have of the G6 in LSWR days show the safety chains, so I will put them on. Not part of the original kit, Mike Williams from the UK has been very generous and supplied me with the necessary parts.
Here is a video:
The model still is far from complete.
Here is the inside of the cab, so far:
… and after lettering: