Medical Students


Nick has been a medical student for a few weeks now.  This has had numerous expected and unexpected consequences.  As a result of him being a student at UWS in Campelltown, he has to drive about 3/4 of an hour to get there.  Public transport is not really an option: he’d have to go Blaxland-to-Granville (about an hour) then Granville-to-Cambelltown (also about an hour).  So he has been taking the blue Polo.  For his first two weeks at Uni., I rode to work every day, and decided to make a virtue out of necessity by setting myself a challenge.   All ten working days I rode on my bicycle all the way up the Old Bathurst Road without getting off!

However the consequence of Nick having to drive to work was this:Red Polo small 1




Yes our diesel Polo is blue.


Nick driving the new Polo

Nick driving the new Polo

I decided that we had to have a third car.  Nick can use the diesel Polo (about 5.1 litres/100km) whilst I will part-time drive to the hospital in the new car.  I looked at a Hyundai, a Subaru, etc., but VW had a special deal on the Polo, so we bought the cheapest Polo that you can get in Aus.: a 1.4litre petrol-powered one.  It still drives nicely and is nice and quiet.


Just for amusement Nick took it to Uni., and one of his friends said “I could have sworn that your car was blue ….”

What is more important is that Nick seems to have settled down well.  There’s a lot of work, and it’s very different from school, but he seems to be coping OK.  There’s a lot else going on, and he is making the most of it, I think, which is good also.