Nick scores a century


Nick and I are playing cricket for Glenbrook-Blaxland Cricket club this year.  I am in 8th Grade, Nick is in 5th Grade.  I have been Mr Consistency this year.  I’ve opened the innings both matches, facing the first ball, and in both matches I have lasted 13 overs and scored 5 runs, being out LBW each time!

Small Nick 1


Nick, however, has done somewhat better.  Today he scored his first-ever century at cricket (he’s scored 52, 53 and 56 previously, but never over 60).


Small Nick 5Today he scored 120.

His team only scored 200 all out, so it can be seen that his contribution was important.  Three sixes, and lots of one-bounce fours – this is Nick, after all.



Small Nicks CenturySmall Nick 4









This is what happens if you’ve scored 120 and are very, very tired ….

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