
We are soon going to be at the start of the cricket season here in Australia.  This means that for me (David) I feel the need to become slightly less useless as a member of the lowest division cricket side for Glenbrook-Blaxland CC in the local league.  So I have been having a couple of “net sessions”, facing a bowling machine in some indoor nets in Penrith.  The first session wasn’t too bad, although I wasn’t turning in to face the ball enough as I batted, and was hit a couple of times just inside and above of my left knee (I bat left-handedly).  When I went back the next week our coach wasn’t there, so Andrew set the machine going for me, and although the speed was about half of what a professional fast bowler would manage, the first ball was WAY too fast for me, and hit exactly where the bruises were just going purple from the previous week.

Canberra 002I hope that Andrew was already familiar with the words that I used ….




Nicks Hockey 1 small


Nick, meanwhile, is continuing to enjoy his hockey.  His side will be in the “finals” (actually, as four sides progress to the “semi.s” out of a total of six teams in the whole league, this doesn’t mean a lot in itself.  However Nick’s side are coming second.  As you can see, it takes three people to get the ball from Nick.

One thought on “Sport

  1. Hello,Mr.Coulshed. This is Zoey, the girl who stayed in your house with Kim for the last 2 days I stayed in Australia. I accidentally saw your website online, your website is really great! I really miss the little sleepover and the farewell party! I really want to go back to Australia haha!

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