The rest of the journey

Cark people 1After the excitement of the meal at l’Enclume, all the rest of the journey through England Wales and the Netherlands was routine, I suppose.


However it was really nice to see lots of old UK friends.  Here are a couple of pictures of those who came to Cark.

Cark People 2

This picture was taken in Cartmel village, outside the suberb cheese shop/delicatessen that is there.





Karen Jamie Laura RobinsonFrom there I travelled by train to Shropshire, to visit Mark, Karen and their two children.





Cycling trackLovely countriside there, and I went on an excellent bike ride with Jamie, using Laura’s bike, a lovely pink-and-purple number ….





David at Tims 3 smallFrom there it was on to Cardiff, there to visit Joe and Alan, in their lovely Art Deco house, then via Kingham (the Wilkie family) and back to London, to catch up with Tim, who took this photograph:



From there it was on to Amsterdam, and the ostensible reason for the journey to Europe, the European Cardiac Society Meeting.

Amsterdam colour  Zaanse Schans 2





Actually, despite the appearance of these photographs, I did spend a very useful few days at the conference, which will significantly change several aspects of cardiac care in Penrith, NSW!