Video files from Melbourne

It has taken me some time to get these loaded, but here are a few video files of Richard Davidson’s circuit of track at his home outside Melbourne (a place called Melton).  This outdoor circuit is huge!  Richard tells me it is 60 yards around the loop, which is about a scale 2½ kilometers!

My industrial Garratt ran well, and so I want to celebrate this fact!

There are small files and larger ones, depending on how broad your broadband is

(is it a Gillard-government one, or an Abbott govt. one?).

WF outdoors 1 small  <-Small   Large -> WF outdoors 1

We loaded up the Garratt with 27 wagons: WF at RDs house

WF outdoors 2 small  <-Small   Large -> WF outdoors 2

I don’t think that the real one could have hauled this many!

WF outdoors 3 small <-Small   Large -> WF outdoors 3

In the last video it is possible to see Richard’s superb model of a North British 0-4-2 locomotive going in the opposite direction around his double loop of track.